It applies a fine spray gun and medium pressure.While dry, then rub with a cloth treated object (this will save the usual dellavaje).Polishing with a rotary brush impregnated with white Carnauba wax.
Finished with similar color to the skin This operation leaves the original color of the uniform shoes, coloring the edges and seams.It does exactly as described above.
Clear contrast effect
Wanting to get a contrast effect (type aniline) on a uniform skin color, you can use a dark cream, for example black on medium brown and dark brown or dark brown on brown.In this case also proceeds as described above.
Effect of shade
You must use a very dark shade cream on the skin object in question.Forexample: black, dark brown, dark burgundy, dark green, dark blue.
To achieve the desired effect, after spraying the Meltonian Spray, allow to dry the object treated.Brushing on rotating disk (500 revolutions per minute) impregnated with abrasive wax, then buff with a rotary brush impregnated with Carnauba wax.